Spanish Translation  

Last update: 07/26/2017

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   V: 18.07.26

JfControls Translator

The most powerful integrated group of components conceived for Delphi 3,4,5,6,7,2005,2006,2007,2009,2010, XE,XE2,XE3,XE4,XE5,XE6,XE7,XE8 and C++Builder 3,4,5,6,2007,2009,2010, XE,XE2,XE3,XE4,XE5,XE6,XE7,XE8,10 Seatle,10.1 Berlin,10.2 Tokyo


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"I never believed that somebody could create some components with an administration so innovative of strings, images, backgrounds, colors, fonts and variables" 

" congratulations, you have made a product with an incredible quality"

" I have reduced my development time about 30% and my applications have an appearance that my competition cannot reach"

"it should be forbidden, creates adiction"

"enjoy programming..."

"Your grids are wonderful !!!"

Take advantage of JfControls. Increase your applications competitiveness

New packages technology, that allows for the creation of various repositories for an application (viz. images, labels, hints, backgrounds, colors, fonts and variables), all of which can be reused and assist with the management of the operating system resources. Storage of the packages may be done either in the DFM  (repositories incorporated in the executable) or in an external FILE.

JfControls Standard

Skins for windows, panels and buttons. 

Masks editor handles resizable skins.

Design of multilanguage applications at design time and run time.

Total change of appearance of the whole application at design time and run time.

Buttons with dynamic effects, automatic repetition, regions administration, attached button, multiline text, text effects, etc.

Main and popup menu bars that are extremely sophisticated,  with full customisation.

PopupMenu totally customisable, with the ability to see it working at design time.

All sort of backgrounds for all the controls: gradients, water marks, images, solid colors.

More than 40 shapes for buttons, labels, check box and radio buttons.

Simple creation of  pop-up windows from buttons.

Status bar completely customisable with embedded progress bar and defaulted information: keyboard status, date, time, application version, etc. 

All the components work at design time, menu bars, combobox list, navigator buttons to visualize the registries, etc.

Automatic administration of embedded windows within panels. 

New administration for masks, it gives you global or local capabilities for date and decimals.

The regional configuration of the application can be dependent or independent of that specified by the operating system.

Automatic recording of the windows' position and size and other internal components inside a variables package, which enables windows to be restored exactly as they were the last time they were viewed.

Sail across the windows' controls and the tables' registries by using all kind of keys (customized setting).

Horizontal and vertical progress bars completely customisable, with the capabilitie of running in an 'undetermined way'. 

Transparency and shadow effects for all the controls.

PageControl totaly re-written, it really has some unique features such as Tabs with styles, images, positions, shapes, customizable scroll buttons, etc.

Labels totally customisable, with shapes, images, alignements, multi-line, shortcuts with different colors, etc.

All the labels and texts controls can be displayed at different angles.

Edition fields with defaulted and customisable images and buttons.

Combo Box capable of displaying images, alignments, customisable attached button, check boxes, multi-selection, etc.

ListBox with capability for images, check boxes, multiple ways to select options.

Supports all kind of graphic formats automatically, including database fields, by means of the Image and DBImage components.

RichEdit control capable of  incorporating images next to the text as well as traditional editing functionality.

Control and navigation bars components used to administer the images and texts.

Controls containers enlarged, with transparency, styles, titles and alignements (GroupBox, Panel, ScrollBox).

CheckBox components with very different visualization styles, effects, shapes and multi-line text.

A MultiTimer component that only uses a system Timer.

ThreadTimer component.

All controls have an associated Label that adjusts its position automatically, based on the position of the attached control.

Navigation bar for DataBase, totally customizable.

All the components have a data-aware version.

Complete Tutorial and contex help file.

Specialized program to install all elements of the JfControls library (JfSetup).

Support and troubleshooting in less than 24 hours.

JfControls Standard basically is about  70 incredible components, offering every one of them several ways to be handled and configured.

JfControls Grid

TJfDbGrid, highly sophisticated and fully customisable, this grid can support any kind of columns and bands: calendar, calculator, masks, lookups, package images, images, buttons, checks, combos, etc. Every record may be formed by multiple rows. General summaries by columns. Sorting.

TJfGrid, highly sophisticated and fully customisable, this grid can support any kind of columns and bands: calendar, calculator, masks, lookups, package images, images, buttons, checks, combos, etc. Every record may be formed by multiple rows. Grouping by columns. Automatic sorting processes, SubSummaries by grouped columns. General summaries of columns.

TJfTree, a completelly customisable tree with multicolumn support, besides, it provides all type of implace edits.

TJfDbLookupComboBox,  this highly customizable control provides complete support for relations based  on multiple fields.

TJfTreePrivileges use this incredibly customisable component to get the control over the permits of your application's users. (SuperUsuars, Administrators, Users)

JfControls Grid is formed by 5 quite sophisticated components, which  complement the whole functionality of  JfControls Standard.

All the resources are available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Chinese languages.

And much more features...              we'll improve your profitability               ORDER NOW!!!



07/26/2017  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 180726).
04/29/2017  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered (New version: 180501).
01/27/2017  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 180127).
11/12/2016  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 171112).
07/07/2016  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 170705).
06/29/2016  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 170628).
05/05/2016  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 170504).
01/11/2016  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 170107).
11/27/2015  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 161127).
11/13/2015  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Registered and Trial (New version: 161113).
10/26/2015  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Trial (New version: 161018).
10/19/2015  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 161018).
07/06/2015  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 160706).
09/27/2014  JfControls Grid Trial and JfControls Standard Trial (New version: 150926).
09/25/2014  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 150926).
08/29/2014  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 150826).
05/09/2014  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 150508).
04/15/2014  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 150414).
02/20/2014  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 150219).
10/25/2013  Fixed problems with our server.
10/18/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 141021).
08/27/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 140827).
07/16/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 140716).
05/11/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 140511).
05/09/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 140509).
03/05/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 140305).
02/02/2013  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 140131).
12/16/2011  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard Help for XE2 (New version: 121216).
11/24/2011  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 121124).
12/16/2010  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 111216).
09/08/2010  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 110907).
04/01/2010  JfControls Grid and JfControls Standard (New version: 110311).



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